Solo Adventurers,  Travel

Solo Adventurer #2: Ken

Name: Ken B
Age: 56
From: Portland, Oregon (originally from the San Francisco Bay area, California)
Profession: Project Manager
Solo Adventure: 15-day round trip cruise from San Francisco to Hawaii on the Ruby Princess
First solo trip?: No

How did you become a solo traveller?

I’ve always appreciated solo travel. I’m very at ease with it. I like to be in my own head, switch off and let the thoughts flow. Being six foot five I’m not a huge flyer, so I prefer to drive to explore new places or meet family and friends.

This is my third solo cruise. I’ve done two 7-day trips before – one from Seattle to Alaska, and one from Long Beach, California to Mexico. The night before the ship departed for Mexico, the cruise company had arranged for guests to stay on the Queen Mary – the world’s most haunted ship. I checked into my room, and tried to relax, but the walls were so thin, I could hear the two ladies next door talking. The next thing I know, the strangest thing happened. I felt a spirit pass through my body and go straight out of the porthole. I’ve never experienced anything like it in my life and I have to admit I screamed like a girl! I still wonder what those two ladies next door must have thought.

Of all the cruises I have taken, this is my favourite. The people I have met, and the experiences I have had, have far exceeded what I expect from solo travel.

What’s the best thing you brought with you on this trip?

A positive attitude. That and my Mountain Hardwear UL™ 20 Backpack. It’s lightweight, weather resistant and folds right down to pocket size. I’ve taken it with me every time I’ve left my cabin – for the pool or spa, or day-long, shore-side excursions.

What do you wish you’d packed?

COVID tests and cold/flu meds. It turned out I just had a nasty dose of flu, but it could have been far more serious.

How are you spending your days?

I thought I would be checking out the ship’s itinerary and planning in cruise activities. That quickly changed to letting whims and wishes lead the way. I realised I wanted to change the script; see what the day had in store for me and just go with the flow.   

What has been your best excursion?

A kayaking adventure on Kauai. A fellow solo traveller had been disappointed when her kayaking trip was cancelled, and I had endured a poor kayaking excursion on one of the other islands. We decided to go ashore and see if we could organise our own adventure.

Thanks to the guys at DA LIFE Outdoor Gear and DA LIFE Outdoors at Kalapaki Bay, we had a once-in-a lifetime experience. I’ve done a fair bit of river, sea and lake kayaking, so we hired a tandem kayak, along with oars and all the safety gear. Following their detailed instructions (and a map we’d taken with us from the ship), we embarked on an absolutely amazing journey. It took us across the harbour and up a quiet estuary to the ‘fish pond’; an area of incredible natural beauty that is of significant importance on Kauai and is currently undergoing restoration. After a lunch of Spam Masubi, and the spectacle of hundreds of silver fish leaping out of the crystal-clear water, we turned back into the headwind. Our final stop was a secret, white sandy beach on the ocean side of the harbour wall for a rest and refreshments. Then we powered across the harbour and back onto the beach at Kalapaki Bay in front of DA LIFE Outdoors (and a couple of dozen very impressed tourists).   

Best tip for solo travellers?

Be bold. Stay open to new experiences, share yourself with others and learn about them. Not just the people who have booked the cruise, but those working on the ship too. Unexpected events are what make a vacation special. 

Star rating out of 5?


How would you sum up this solo trip in one sentence?

A life-changing, life-affirming experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Thank you, Ken!

What’s been your best solo adventure? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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